Find answer to some of the most commonly asked questions about Kinepict.
Adjusting images
Exporting images
Where can I find the Instructions for Use (User Manual)?
The user has 3 options to open the Instructions for Use (User Manual). First fo all, it can be found in the software under Help menu. The second option is to open the file form the desktop of the Kinepict workstation. Additionally (option 3), it can be found on Kinepict's website under Resources / Downloads / User Manuals menu.
I have forgotten my username/password for the software login. What should I do?
If you have forgotten your username and/or password, please create a new account by clicking on "Register".
Kinepict Medical Imaging Tool works slowly. What is the problem?
An Intel Core i9 or better processor, with at least 32 Gbytes of RAM and enough free disk space are required to optimally run the software. With better hardware, the software will run smoother.
The DICOM file does not open after it has been selected.
There are several options for opening a DICOM file:
Allows the user to open a single DICOM file.
The user opens a Kinepict study file (.kps) that comes from a previously generated image processing.
The user can open DICOM directories, which contain numerous single image files that are related to each other.
If you open a file using the wrong option, an error message is displayed.
Why can I only save in *.kps format?
If you want to save your results in DICOM, image, or text format, please use the export function under the File menu.
How can I save and export my results in an anonymized format?
There is an anonymization function that is accessible from the File menu. If you want to anonymize your exported file, use the Export option. To anonymize a kinepict study format (.kps), you should anonymize the DICOM, prior to opening it with the software.
How do I get the encrypted machine ID?
There are two scenarios for obtaining the encrypted machine ID. You can find the details in the License request chapter of the User manual.
What do we need for the installation?
A free 110/230V power socket, at least one free LAN port, to be able to connect to the angiography system and a free video input for the large OR monitor. (in case no large monitor is available onsite, a wired or wireless video connection can be used with a separate monitor).
What will be needed from the hospital’s IT department?
To be able to connect to hospital network, a dedicated IP address, port and AE title will be needed on the same network as the angiography system.
Do I need the angio manufacturer’s service engineer?
Yes, a field service engineer will be needed to setup a DICOM store node, and auto-push to Kinepict workstation.
Can the OR view connection be wireless?
Yes, if there is no Large Display Monitor option, the video connection to an OR monitor could be wireless.
Which angiography systems are compatible with Kinepict?
The Kinepict Medical Imaging Tool can process DSA unsubtracted images from any angiography system. Already tested with GE IGS, Philips IGT, Siemens Artis angio systems.
What is the accepted format to be processed?
DSA runs (image series) which have a raw unsubtracted format without compression.
Do I need an auto-send or auto-push function to send image series?
Yes, for the fastest image generation you will need a function that allows sending the unsubtracted DSA images immediately after the foot-switch is released.
Can fluorostore sequences with contrast be processed?
Yes, if there is a fluorostore sequence where contrast is injected without motion it can be processed as DVA, however, it could be noisier than DSA sequences.
The DSA 3D/CBCT can be processed?
Not yet. We are working on it.
Do the generated images seem too bright?
The image can be adjusted with Brightness/Contrast, if all of the images looks too bright, try to adjust the auto B/C threshold.
Do the generated images seem to have too much contrast?
The image can be adjusted with Brightness/Contrast. If all of the images looks too contrasted, try to adjust the auto B/C threshold.
The generated image has a small motion artefact. How can it be improved?
If the motion is very small DVA2 could help, if the motion is more significant, it is better to use pixel shift.
What is the difference between pixel shift and fix ROI pixel shift?
While using pixel shift, any ROI size can be drawn, while with the fixed ROI, the ROI size is fixed and only the location is defined by the user.
Is it possible to see the bones in background?
Yes, by clicking on toggle anatomical background the bones can be visualized, and their opacity can be changed in personal preferences.
Can I send pictures to PACS?
Yes, the DICOM pictures obtained with DVA1, DVA2, ccDVA or DVA and ccDVA videos can be sent to any PACS systems in standard DICOM format.
How I can set-up the PACS server?
The PACS can be configured in Settings/Network and Storage settings/PACS servers
What do I need to set-up in case of the PACS server?
Host IP address, Port number, and AE title
In which image formats can the images be exported?
Right click on the image, select export image, DVA1, DVA2, ccDVA image types can be exported as PNG, JPEG, TIFF.
Is it possible to anonymize DICOM data?
Yes, its possible by selecting File/Anonymize.
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